
I have to thank sugasm for this

Technically, I should thank red. But she mocks me. So I'll thank the source: Killing An Erection

It wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but whoa, was it hilarious. Then it got me to thinking.

How have I killed erections? Have I killed an erection? Would I kill erections intentionally in the future?

  1. With my mouth. Wide open. Tongue wagging.
  2. One that I know of, probably more.
  3. Damn skippy. I'm thinking this could be fun. Depending on what I do. And that's the challenge. If I choose.
I laughed at a man's penis. Intentionally. But he was rude. And unencumbered. And pushy. I hate pushiness. I believe in manners. Civility. If you're going to act inappropriate, expect reciprocal behavior.

Mind you, this was almost 10 years ago. We were at a club, and some fool was insistently trying to grind on my ass. I stepped away, but he pursued. Finally, I turned around and said it didn't feel like he was working with much, and it wasn't doing anything for me. His drunk ass grabbed himself (typical) and said he was more *n* than I could handle. I rolled my eyes (which has been a bad habit since birth, and has gotten me smacked repeatedly, you'd think I'd learn) and, apparently that enraged him. He actually flashed his penis on the dance floor, and I laughed. I tried to cover my mouth, but it was too late. And those darn things can deflate quickly, apparently.

I'm sure he was more blessed than I realized, and he'd just been drinking too much. I'm sure of it.

But it was a great feeling! One I may have to recreate with some adjustments. Like someone being restrained. And wearing a clown wig and big red nose...

Ooh, or a Dunce cap. In tiny shorts, argyle socks, and nipple clamps. OMG, I'm cracking up thinking about it. Just makes me want to bite someone.

1 Recitations

Blogger red velvet said...

lol you just mean ROFLMAO

5/4/06 15:54  

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